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We’re steadily sailing out of a highly successful UU W&R presence at this past June’s UUA General Assembly.  I give thanks for a magnetic booth*, mostly run by Geri, Sue, Rosemary, Laurie and Barbara, an inspiring peace march organized for GA attendees by Sue and Geri, Barbara’s brisk sales of our new consciousness-raising course, “Unraveling the Gender Knot” and connecting with like-minded organizations such as UUWF (UU Women’s Federation), IALRW (International Assoc. of Liberal Religious Women) and the 7th. Principle Project (the only specifically oriented UU organization for saving Earth’s biosphere) by Rosemary, Barbara and Helen.  In addition, are two important aspects that gave strong verve to our GA achievements, the monetary and morale building contributions of women from our grassroots Women & Religion movement and Allan Johnson’s “telling-it-like-it-is” workshop, “Privilege, Power, and Difference: From Patriarchy to Peace”.

Here’s what Pat says (referring to “Unraveling the Gender Knot” course):

Allan Johnson readily saw the logic of making work for peace the action component of his presentation at GA.  Bless him - and the three women who have developed the wonderful curriculum to help to get his message and that of thousands of feminists out to this needy world!


Here’s what Sue says:

It's absolutely true that women care about peace, have the most to lose in its absence, have gifts for mediation, compromise, patience, and Peace should be every woman's primary cause.  It's also true that an unpeaceful woman can be a dangerous thing.  We are not all, always, angels.  All the more reason... So, if I have any kind of vote or input, it is that Peace is Primary in all of UU W&R’s themes and work.


I believe balance, peace and harmony are natural urges in all of us who live on Earth.  Patriarchy has distorted how we all are the same in our basic needs.  (Helen)


“Creating a new model of relationship that is based upon mutuality and respect” (as Janet puts it) is the direction UU W&R is sailing in.  After UU W&R holds our annual meeting (in the hurricane-Earth-balancing environment of Melbourne, FL), September 24–25, I’ll report to you decisions that come out of our agenda.


* RE: Our magnetic booth: The effective, informal networking done by those who staffed our GA booth brought several organizations “to our doorstep” asking to partner with us in various UU projects (agenda items for the Annual Gathering).




Thanks to the many women who gave monetarily and (as Sue puts it) gave strong heart support from across our continent.  Here are two of the quotes (from when the UUA sent UU W&R an evaluation form to substantiate our credibility for the status of being a UUA Affiliate):


Women’s activities have always been important in religious communities without respect to denominations.  The women and goddess centered courses, Heritage calendars, and other women’s activities produced by UU women’s groups such as Women & Religion provide alternative worship formats, women centered education and the warmth of community which bring women into our congregations and/or keep them connected and active as members. 

Accotink UU Church has done the Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum which generated a women’s spirituality group and transformed over the years into an earth-based spirituality celebration group (with children and men participating).  We have also done Rise Up and Call Her Name and look forward to doing Unraveling the Gender Knot.  These curricula would not be available without the dedication and focus of UU Women & Religion.  We also have benefited from ideas and community in workshops offered by UU Women & Religion at General Assembly and in the Joseph Priestly District. The UU Women and Religion Committee in JPD sponsors an annual gathering of women on a spring weekend which connects us to each other and gives us an opportunity to learn and expand our spirituality.  Because we have opportunities to grow through UU Women & Religion, we strengthen our congregations by providing ceremonies, Sunday services, summer services and Adult Ed classes, and offering expanded views for our Lifespan education program.

I joined my current UU church because of the Religious Education program, but I am drawn to participate, in large part, because of women’s programs such as those offered thru UU Women & Religion.

Marsha White

Member, Accotink UU Church


We also strengthen UU congregations with our women’s spirituality events and consciousness-raising as it helps make a place where women who are seeking the goddess connection can be comfortable.

The connections I made at "Cakes" really integrated me into our congregation , turning me from a sometimes attendee into an active  participant in congregation life.



Besides heart, it took money to do what we in the Core Group planned for GA.  That kind of grassroots generosity came through for us, too.  In fact, we went $100. over our goal of $2300.  Most contributions were $25.  I hope each of you has received a personal thank you by now.  We of the UU W&R Core Group (the board of trustees), wholeheartedly, thank you for all your support!  A special thanks goes to our treasurer, Geri Kennedy, also.  She’s obtaining UU W&R’s tax-exempt status for when tax collection time arrives.





To achieve U.S. ratification of CEDAW (the U.N. Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women), we need both 67 favorable U.S. Senate votes (More is better!) and a supportive President in the White House.  The Bush position continues to be no position.  We have concrete voting evidence that Senator Kerry is supportive of the U. S. ratification of CEDAW.


Here’re the Senate Terms Expiring in 2004:


DEMOCRATS                                  REPUBLICANS

Evan Bayh of IN                                 Robert Bennett of UT

Barbara Boxer of CA                         Christopher Bond of MO

John Breaux (retiring) of LA                Sam Brownback of KS

Thomas Daschle of SD                        Jim Bunning of KY

Christopher Dodd of CT                     Ben Nighthorse Campbell  (retiring) of CO

Byron Dorgan of ND                           Mike Crapo of  ID

John Edwards (retiring) of NC              Peter Fitzgerald (retiring) of IL

Russell Feingold of WI                         Chuck Grassley of IA

Bob Graham (retiring) of FL                 Judd Gregg of NH

Ernest Hollings (retiring) of SC              John McCain of AZ

Daniel Inouye of HI                               Lisa Murkowski of AK

Patrick Leahy of VT                              Don Nickles (retiring) of OK

Blanche Lincoln of AR                           Richard Shelby of AL

Barbara Mikulski of MD                        Arlen Specter of PA

Zell Miller (retiring) of GA                      George Voinovich of OH

Patty Murray of WA

Harry Reid of NV

Charles Schumer of NY

Ron Wyden of OR


The offices of candidates must be called, please, to be sure that person is in favor of CEDAW before you vote.

Let’s not ignore the House of Representatives, still.  The House Resolution 21 urging the Senate to ratify CEDAW is still open for co-sponsors.  Remember, the whole House is up for Election.  Many House members are now running or may in the future be running for the U. S. Senate.  Educating them has importance for these reasons, too.


ACTION ALERT:  Between now and Election Day, Nov. 2nd, we need the candidates of all parties and genders to declare their position on CEDAW ratification.  Query them on Call-in TV and radio talk shows; at Public Forums; Candidate Debates; Town meetings; social events, a call, fax, Email, a personal letter or a visit to the candidates’ offices.  You will know what is the best opportunity in your particular state or community.

The CEDAW website is www.womenstreaty.org


From Planned Parenthood’s President, Gloria Feldt:

“Seventy-two years.  That’s how long it took for the 19th. Amendment to be ratified after the 1848 women’s rights convention at Seneca Falls, led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others. 


The JPD Women and Religion Retreat in 2005
Again will be held at
Precious Blood Spiritual Center in Columbia, PA (easy to drive to from both the northern and southern states of JPD)
April 22 to 24, 2005, April’s last weekend.
Save the date!
We are planning a Retreat program using “Unraveling the Gender Knot”, the new UU W&R course, based on Allan G. Johnson's book, “The Gender Knot”.  Allan said at GA, “[I offer] a perspective on the connection between gender and violence on every level of social life, based on the belief that we cannot achieve peace without understanding systemic social forces that encourage individual and collective violence in response to conflict, uncertainty and fear.  Oppression is not an inevitable feature of human life.”

The W&R Resource Library

 now offers several transcripts for Sunday Services.
They include:
Imagining the Divine as Female: Cakes for the Queen of Heaven
Dismantling Gender Injustice: A Religious Service based on “The Gender Knot”
Noah's Wife
Margaret Fuller
Copies of these thought-provoking services are available for the cost
of copying at 5 cents a page. The longest one is 23 pages or $1.15. Contact
Sandy Eckert at jabuda@paonline.com or 717-533-5331.


Your Invitation to join in the Healing Energy
Dances of
Universal Peace
Led by Jeanne  Ayesha Lauenborg
September 11, 2004
"A Gathering for Healing & Renewal"

Held at the beautiful and peacefilled
"Second Wind Center"98 Bethlehem Pike, Northwest Phila., PA 19118
Saturday Evening 7:30 PM - 10 PM 
$10 Tickets at the Door
Includes light Refreshments
The Dances of Universal Peace are a joyous way to touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and others using chants from many traditions, and the dances inspired by them, including: Jewish, Christian (Aramaic, Gospel, Creation Spirituality), Islamic Sufism, Hinduism, Buddhism, African, Celtic, Zoroastrian, Native American, and many other songs of peace.
No experience needed.  All dances are taught. 
Dress Casual.  
Singles & Couples are Welcome.
       "Let the Beauty we love, be what we do..."  Rumi

Phone:  215-877-2777
Email: SufiCaravan@aol.com
Please visit my web page:

P.S.  When I was involved with the Dances of Universal Peace, I got to know Jeanne as a dance leader and recommend this event to those of you who live in the Philly area.  Helen Pop


From Planned Parenthood’s President, Gloria Feldt:


 Twenty-six years. That's how long Nelson Mandela spent in prison, protesting and fighting against apartheid. Margaret Sanger didn't see the U.S. Supreme Court strike down laws that made contraception illegal until 1965, the year before her death.

All of these leaders [those of the Seneca Falls women’s rights convention, included] had several things in common: they were persistent. They maintained a positive vision of what they wished to achieve. They didn't give up, despite setbacks. And they kept marching toward their goals of freedom, justice, and equality.”





Women's Ritual Circle at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Harford County

2515 Churchville Road

Churchville, MD


The Women's Ritual Circle resumes meeting on Sunday, Sept. 12 from 7-9 pm in the UUFHC

sanctuary. We plan to meet on the Second Sundays and Fourth Fridays of each month.


The Women's Ritual Circle is an eclectic, earth-based group that meets for ritual, connection, and

conversation. We share leadership of the rituals. This year we will continue working through The

Twelve Wild Swans book by Starhawk and Hilary Valentine, as well as doing seasonal and

spontaneous rituals.


Childcare is available if requested one week in advance. For more information, contact Becca

Motil at Rmotil@aol.com.





Full Circle’s Earth Centered Celebrations


Full Circle celebrates the new and full moons and the eight solar holidays of each year. 

The full moon circles focus on feminine energy and are open to all adult women.  New

moons are limited to women registered for the Weavers Covenant Group.  Solar holidays

such as solstices and equinoxes include men and youth too.  All events are followed by a

potluck feast.  New participants of all backgrounds and beliefs are always welcome.


Full Moon Women’s Circles meet on each full moon throughout the year and focus on

feminine energy.   We explore personal issues and our spiritual connection to Goddess

and God.  We celebrate with song, dance and sharing in a sacred and safe space, opening

wide the opportunity to celebrate with other women.  Bring an ingredient to add to a

potluck green salad.  Fall full moon circles are scheduled for September 28, October 27

and November 26 from 7-9 p.m. at the UU Church of Annapolis. 


Sun Circles celebrate the Wheel of the Year, with seasonal celebrations.  At the fall

equinox, also called Harvest Home, we pause in gratitude for the bounty of the harvest

and the many blessings that will sustain us through the dark half of the year.  Our

celebration will include an observation of the United Nations’ International Day of Peace

with a rededication of our Peace Pole and the addition of a 5th language plaque.  Women,

men and children of all ages are invited to join us on September 19 from 6-8PM for

drumming and a potluck supper.  Bring sweet or savory meatless dish to share for the

feast.  At our Hallows celebration of Dia de los Muertos, the ancient Mexican Day of the

Dead festival, we honor our ancestors and others who have passed on with traditional

altars, breads and offerings.  Women, men and adolescents are invited to participate in

the sacred circle which will include visiting altars, making papel picado, walking an

indoor labyrinth and potluck feasting.  Bring materials to build your own altar for loved

ones who have passed on and a meatless dish to share.  This celebration will be held

Saturday, October 30 beginning at 6PM at the UU Church of Annapolis.




UUCA Sisterweb Women’s Fall Weekend

“Connect and Celebrate” is the theme of this women’s event at Arlington UU Church.

Join a circle of women at UUCA:  reflect on your journey, build your gifts, share your

stories and laughter. Friday evening features stories by the Vermont storyteller

Sparrowhawk, potluck desserts and Circle Dancing. Saturday lures you with Mind, Body

and Spirit Workshops from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., catered lunch and dinner. After- dinner

celebration includes a dance performance, a “Goddess Within” ritual and a moonlit

labyrinth walk.

Contact:  Louise Volintine, louisa53 @ comcast.net (for a flier)

Date:  Friday and Saturday, Oct. 1 & 2

LocationArlington UU Church

Cost:  $60 with special rates for early registration, students, families. Scholarships






Fall Equinox

The Autumn Equinox is a harvest festival. We celebrate the nourishment and abundance

that we have received this year which will help us prepare for the emptiness and stillness

of winter. Light and dark are equals on this night. Come celebrate with us the turning of

the Wheel of the Year, the night of autumnal balance. Please bring simple celebratory

food or drink (non-alcoholic) to share after the ceremony.  Join us on Friday, Sept. 24

from 7-9 PM at the Ceremonial Circle, if the weather permits, or in the sanctuary.



This is the night of the grandmothers, of our ancestors. Goddesses of death and

immortality. We welcome them as friends, celebrating the connection between death and

life. We take this evening to remember those who have died. Bring a picture, memento or

other items of loved ones who have died to share as part of the memory altar. There will

be time to share a story about them in the service. Join us on Friday, Oct. 29 from 7:30-

10 PM.


Winter Solstice

This year at Accotink, Winter Solstice – the longest night of the year – is celebrated two

times: in the church services on Sunday, Dec. 12. Come celebrate the winter season with

song and ceremony of thanks and of hope. We will explore the dynamics of light and

dark throughout the ancient and present civilizations. Light comes from darkness, growth

from barrenness, and spring from the depths of winter.  Our regular Sunday service times

are 9:30 and 11:15 AM.


A Spiritual Journey to Peru

This will be a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in the energy and history of Peru.  In

June 2005, Michele Porzel (member of Accotink UU Church, massage therapist, and

healer) will lead 15 people on a magical journey to the sacred sites of Peru and Bolivia

We plan to explore Trujillo’s palaces of the pre-Incan Moche culture; visit  Maras, the

Salt Mines of the Incas,  Ollantaytambo, Pisac,  Machu Picchu, Cusco and its sacred

temples, Traditional Indian Markets, and healing pools.  We will experience Tihuanaca in

Bolivia on the Southern Hemisphere’s Winter Solstice, and walk the floating islands of

Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world.  There will be meditation or

ceremony at every site and lots of opportunities to buy the wonderful textiles and crafts

of Peru.  Dates and costs will be available soon.  Call Michele at 703-455-4627.




Fall Equinox Service, September 19 at River Road Unitarian Church, 301/229-0400 

Got peace? Are you creating a home with “a place for everything and everything in its

place”? Or searching for a new kernel of truth?  Perhaps gleaning the fruitfulness of past actions

and affiliations? The equinox and harvest time may inspire finding a new balance between what

to save and what to let go.  The pollen in the flower’s pistil (a peaceful homespot) has

formed seeds, making ready for opportunities.

Our Wheel of the Year circle is open to all over age 10 and begins at 5 PM, up the outside front

stairs, in the Fireside Room.  Please, bring food/drink to share afterwards.  Tuppence and Evi will

be with us again to facilitate movement as the key to wholeness in our being together.  The

remaining Wheel of the Year dates for 2004 are Hallowmas on Nov. 7 and Winter Solstice on

Dec. 19.

Helen Popenoe, 301/229-0549 and Merry Urbia, 301/654-6725 



From Planned Parenthood’s President Gloria Feldt


“We have to keep marching. Imagine that each of the million marchers who gathered

on the National Mall in April for the March for Women's Lives has trailed a continuous

thread of action and activism.”



Barbara Schonborn

gives us her “Unraveling the Gender Knot” course price list:

We want to encourage leaders to work in pairs--or well-organized trios!


Costs of the leader's course guide are: 

$30 first copy without medias

$70 first copy with 2 DVDs--Who's Counting? and The Gods of Our Father ($20/DVD)

$150 first copy with 2 videotapes--Who's Counting? and The Gods of Our Fathers ($40/video)

$20 each for second copy and more copies without media


Any applicable sales tax is included. Regular shipping costs are included. Expedited shipping will

be billed.


P.S.  Starting Nov. 1, I’ll be facilitating “Unraveling the Gender Knot” at River Road Unitarian

Church.  If anyone would like to participate, you’re welcome.  Care to volunteer to help facilitate

with me?  Helen Popenoe, 301/229-0549


Dorothy Emerson

gives us her latest endeavor to share:


Peace-Making Women Through the Years

“We have not ceased to love courage in learning to love peace,

and high courage is often manifested by our peace workers.”

                                                -May Wright Sewell, Unitarian, 1915

Now more than ever in this time of terrorism and war, we need to seriously

consider alternatives to armed conflict.  One source for insight and guidance

comes from women, particularly Unitarian and Universalist women, who worked

internationally to develop ways to peacefully resolve conflict.  As with much of

women’s work throughout history, their stories and words of wisdom are buried in

archives and libraries, inaccessible to most people today and thus not part of

present public discussion.


In this program, Dorothy Emerson will share the wisdom and actions of some of

these women who stand before us in creating a world of justice and peace. 

Perhaps their example will empower us in our own work for a better world.


Rev. Dr. Dorothy May Emerson is a Unitarian Universalist community minister,

currently serving as a consultant to UU justice-making organizations and as

Education Director of Rainbow Solutions Financial Services in Medford,

Massachusetts, where she coordinates programs on socially responsible

investing and on money and empowerment.  Founder of the Unitarian

Universalist Women’s Heritage Society, she edited the first anthology of UU

women’s historical writings, Standing Before Us: Unitarian Universalist Women

and Social Reform, 1776-1936 (Skinner House, 2000).  UU Women’s Federation

has granted her the Margaret Fuller Award for Religious Feminists for her project

on UU Women and Peace-Making.  She is hoping to find others who will join her

in creating an anthology of writings and biographical sketches of the women who

worked for peace.


Rev. Dr. Dorothy Emerson

225 Arlington Street

Medford, MA 02155



I'm available to do Sunday services, evening programs, and retreats using this material.  It's

exciting to discover what our UU women have done--and are doing--toward a more peaceful

world.  DE

WOMUUNWEB DEADLINE for Winter 2004 issue is Dec. 2, please.


Many thanks to Al Carlson, GWA Webmaster, for publishing this WOMUUNWEB issue #17 on the GWA website at www.jpd.uua.org


Please, send your news to Helen Popenoe at hpop@verizon.net


Respectfully submitted by Helen Popenoe thanks to the formatting instruction by Joyce Dowling.





UU W&R '04 Annual Gathering Agenda, so far:


At the end of our decision-making, may we have strong unity of purpose and focus for the email discussions leading up to GA ’05.


1.      Laurie’s idea for a GA W&R slot presentation

2.      Dorothy’s  “UU Peace-making Women” slot idea

3.      Do our Peace March at GA ’05?

4.      GA be the time of our Annual Gathering? (Before & after?)

5.      The GA “Cakes” event status

6.      UU W&R and UU WHS go in together for a large GA booth?

7.      Join MSUU for a Womanquest 2?

8.      Report and opportunities of partnering with other UU organizations who are attracted to our movement

9.       Seek UUWF grant for improved direct support of District W&R programming?

10. Core Group Guidelines review

11. Tri-fold review

12. Core Group, automatically, include all District Conveners?

13. Measure the value of continuing to be an Affiliate of UUA (now that the annual fee is $100).



Below are Geri’s minutes from our GA ’04 meeting (with my response):


UU Women & Religion


Meeting Held – June 26, 2004 – Long Beach, CA


In attendance:  Helen Popenoe, Rosemary Matson, Laurie James, Sue Guist, Barbara Schonborn, Betty Ortez, Pat Simon and Geri Kennedy


Fall Meeting  - due to conflicting schedules and the costs involved for cross-country travel, it was agreed to try to have an in person gathering of some women on the East Coast, tentatively from September 24,25 & 26.  Others would join in a telephone conference on Saturday, September 25. 


            Helen to coordinate the East Coast meeting, with possible assistance from Cathy Stanton

            Geri to coordinate telephone conference.


Annual meeting for 2005 – it was suggested that we use one of our program slots for our annual meeting.  Laurie noted that this would only allow for a little over an hour – not enough time.  It was agreed instead  to meet the day before General Assembly in the future, beginning with Fort Worth.


GA Programming – the due date for programs with Planning Committee assistance would be September 1.  Pat’s understanding in talking with a member of the Planning Committee was that most programming grants would be given to non-affiliated groups and that the paperwork required was significant.  It was agreed that we would not submit any programs for grant support.


Rosemary suggested that a program be presented about the threat posed by the “Bible Factor” affecting major politicians and political decisions and/or  the issue of violence against women in the media.


It was agreed to send an appeal for programming to our mailing list for suggestions and a final decision would be made in September.  The due date for submission is November 15.


Collaboration with other Women’s Groups – it was agreed to begin conversations with the other UU Women’s organizations about more formal collaboration efforts.


Communications – Geri reported that there were only about 90 names on the Continental list maintained by Marnie Singer.  Of those, about 10 had been returned as undeliverable.  Geri would let those present know the undeliverable names to see if anyone knew the new addresses and would then update the list with Marnie. 


Helen agreed to continue to include W&R updates and information in the Women Web and to see if we could assure that it is getting to as many of the W&R women as possible.





General notes –


All of our programming at General Assembly was a great success.  About 75 people attended between the 2 introduction of the Gender Knot sessions, and there were over 100 in attendance at Allen Johnson’s session.  He had a large number of people at the bookstore getting his books signed following his presentation.


Sales of the Gender Knot Curriculum were good.


The Silent Walk for Peace was attended by about 40 people all of whom reported a positive experience and many people indicated an interest in taking this idea back to their own communities.



Networking at GA - 


A tentative plan is underway to share the cost of a double booth next year with the Women’s Heritage Society. 


CUUPS is planning a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the publication of Cakes for the Queen of Heaven to honor Shirley Ranck and asked if W&R would be interested in collaborating. 


UU – UNO office staff agreed to keep W&R informed of women affirming  projects that we might want to support. 


The Adult RE group ****  agreed to review the Gender Knot Curriculum and consider listing it on their website.



(please let me know if you did other networking that should be noted here.)


Ideas – prepare a presentation package for the Gender Knot that could be presented at the various districts’ annual meetings or leadership days.  Send real bodies to do this if possible.



Your minutes look good, Geri.  Thanks.


Here’s what I see for changes:


The spelling of the newsletter I do is “WOMUUNWEB” and it’s found on www.gwa.jpd.uua.org


I don’t know how to “assure” that WOMUUNWEB gets to the readers who would want it besides what I’m doing now.  Isn’t my UU W&R Email list big enough?  I should think the Core Group members would spread the word when I let my list know of the new issue being out on the web.


Rosemary, also, suggested having a large continental gathering, another WomanQuest with the Lumsden white paper as the common launching pad for our thinking together.


When Cathy took her Red Hat Ladies Cruise instead of doing co-convener work for GA, she promised to organize the Fall Gathering.  I’m game to do the agenda prep work and run the meeting.


In your minutes, (with the expectation Cathy would be the organizer) all I agreed to do was be sure Misty, Cathy and Nuala knew of the date change to the Sept. 25 weekend.  Nuala’s still away (but was uncommitted to attend the Fall Gathering, anyway).  Misty said yes to the Sept. 25 change.


In my notes, I wrote that you said you would do the seeking of input on program slot ideas.


Also, face-to-facers don’t have to pay for the conference call expenses.


Last thing – When you talk about the “Adult RE Group”, is that the UU C A R D S organization?  We did pay our $50. to  join; didn’t we?


Thanks, again, for your good minutes, Geri.




P.S.  Is Marnie Collier now Marnie Singer?  HPop (I still don't know on 9/9/04.)


To  review the last Annual meeting’s minutes, please, see the Spring 2004 issue of WOMUUNWEB on www.gwa.jpd.uua.org


After Misty read these minutes from the Phoenix meeting, she added that her GA ’03 workshop, “Cycles of Rituals” brought good response from her participants who were “very excited about the information and were very interested in contributing what they as groups had done”.  The morning session had about 120 and the afternoon one had about 100 participants.  An audio tape was made.


My Best,


P.S. Please, send me your “Teleconferencing Intros.” answers, now, along with your agenda items.  If you need a resend of the 8 questions (from Aug. 29th.), let me know.


The work I did (before my grandson’s caregiving days away from these meetings) in teleconferencing at the American Bar Association for CEDAW gave me the experience for understanding the face-to-facers end of the meeting.  Though it’s a decision-making head-trip, we are still whole people and still need context for the faceless voices.  This is especially true for the Melbourne face-to-facers who are newcomers.


P.P.S.  If you wish to see the UU W&R Guidelines, go to www.gwa.jpd.uua.org and open the Fall 2003 WOMUUNWEB.  Then with Geri's minutes from the '03 Annual Gathering, you'll be updated.   H Pop

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